A Chat on Real Health w/Rach

In our latest podcast episode we interview Rach Hoeppner of Real Health With Rach.  Rach is a Holistic Nutritionist, Women’s Health, Hormone, and Fertility Specialist, and Integrative Nutrition Health Coach.  She is also the Recipe Developer behind the delicious recipes at www.realhealthwithrach.com

Rach’s health journey began 15 years ago when she was a freshman in high school and first visited an OBGYN due to irregular periods and mild acne. Unbeknownst to Rach, she had PCOS and hypothyroidism and it would take 10 years for her to get a proper diagnosis. Instead, she was immediately put on the birth control pill and that’s when her health started to spiral out of control. Within a year, she developed severe cystic acne, and became desperate to treat it. She tried every prescription, topical, and in-office treatment she could think of.  After high school, her birth control side effects worsened further and caused her to develop severe anxiety and depression.  She eventually started taking antidepressants, which only made matters worse for her body. By this time, Rach had gained 50 pounds due to the medications, poor nutrition, lack of exercise, and a toxic “always busy” lifestyle.

After college, Rach became fed up with the cycle of feeling bad, seeing a doctor and receiving yet another prescription.  She decided to try something new and began seeing a Naturopathic Doctor.  She immediately felt drawn to the world of holistic health.  She decided to become her own advocate and spent the next 5 years researching and deep diving into health, nutrition, fitness, lifestyle optimization, and women’s hormones. She slowly titrated off of her medications, lost the weight and developed a loving relationship with food and her body. She was also inspired to help women do the same. Rach  now has a thriving practice helping women achieve their health and wellness goals.  The mission of Rach’s practice is “To help you heal your body from the inside out to cultivate the life of your dreams!” 

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