Chrystal Caltagirone of Cravings and Cocktails LV

We love trying to foods and tasting new cocktails. We often go to social media to find the latest and greatest spots. Food influencers make a huge impact, in fact 62% of consumers say they are more likely to purchase a product after seeing it recommended by an influencer. Influencer marketing in the food industry has a 10 times higher return on investment than traditional advertising. It’s astounding that 92% of consumers trust recommendations from people they follow, even if they don’t know them personally. We were so lucky to be able to sit down and talk with a local, Las Vegas, food blogger. Chrystal Caltagirone of Cravings and Cocktails LV shared her story, her tips and her favorite spots with us. Food influencers make a huge impact, in fact 62% of consumers say they are more likely to purchase a product after seeing it recommended by an influencer. Influencer marketing in the food industry has a 10 times higher return on investment than traditional advertising. It’s astounding that 92% of consumers trust recommendations from people they follow, even if they don’t know them personally.

Cravings and Cocktails LV is an influencer page dedicated to helping tourists and locals find restaurants serving the best food and cocktails in the Vegas valley.   With restaurants ranging from the strip to hidden gems located all around the city.  Chrystal Caltagirone came up with the idea a year and a half ago with her sister who is a local journalist, since then she has made a name for herself in the city and became  a trusted voice to her over 16,000 followers. Her personality and love for food helps her audience connect with her and her experiences. 

Chrystal has loved trying new foods since she was a young girl. The highlight for her isn’t just about the food, but the focus on the experience and connection. It’s about her dining companions, the conversation, the vibe. Dining out is an opportunity to create memories and build experiences. 

There are limitless cuisines and foods to choose from.  Chrystal encourages her followers to try new foods.  Going outside of our comfort zone and trying new foods has many benefits. It gets us out of our routine and can make meals more exciting.  It can also add new nutrients into our diet.  When we see other people trying new things, it can inspire us to do the same.  If you are unsure what to try, ask the restaurant staff.

Our Episode with Chrystal

Check out our latest podcast episode!

Tips For Trying A New Restaurant: 

  • Check out social media for up-to-date reviews and information
  • Look up the menu before going
  • Talk to the wait staff and ask for recommendations
  • Step outside of your comfort zone and try a local spot versus a chain restaurant
  • Call ahead to see if you need a reservation

Chrystals All Time Favorite Dining Spots: 

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