Understanding the Benefits of Clean Eating with Jenny Maloney, RD.

In a nutshell, Clean Eating is all about consuming foods in their natural, unprocessed form. It’s not about dieting or counting calories, or making sure you’re perfect – simply put, Clean Eating is a lifestyle that leads to greater overall health and an improved quality of life. So what are the principles encompassing this lifestyle?

In our latest podcast episode we met with Jenny Maloney

The new year is a time when many of us resolve to improve our lives in some way. If you’re looking to make a positive change in your life, why not resolve to eat cleaner in 2023? Clean eating is all about consuming whole foods and avoiding processed foods. This way of eating has been shown to reduce inflammation, improve nutrient absorption, and help with weight management. Eating clean doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. By making simple swaps and incorporating fresh and nutritious foods into your diet, you can easily adopt a clean eating lifestyle. Check out this blog for tips on how to get started!

Eating clean is not a diet; it’s a productive way of living that involves consuming whole foods in their natural form, avoiding processed foods, and reducing inflammation in the body by consuming nutrient-dense foods. A clean eating lifestyle can help you achieve your ideal weight, improve your overall health, and reduce your risk of chronic diseases. 

While a clean diet may initially seem restrictive, there are actually many simple meals you can make with whole, fresh foods. You can also find clean eating recipes online or in cookbooks. And remember, you don’t have to be perfect to reap the benefits of clean eating – every little bit counts!

Here are a few simple tips from Jenny Maloney, RD:

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  • ​Choose foods closest to the source
  • Check ingredient labels (if you can’t pronounce it, don’t eat it)
  • Practice portion control (you can eat too much of healthy food too)
  • Plan ahead by grocery shopping and meal prepping
  • Have a healthy afternoon snack so you don’t overeat at night
  • Watch your sugar intake by aiming for about 6-9 teaspoons of sugar per day (1 teaspoon equals 4.2 grams of sugar)
  • Watch your salt intake by aiming for about 2300-3000 mg per day
  • Dine out smartly – don’t arrive starving, share your entrée, ask for sauces and dressings on the side, eat slow, use your hand as a closed fist to practice portion control, and make sure to get some veggies
  • Be consistent and eat your meals close to the same time everyday
  • Practice 85% clean foods and 15% cheat foods