In our most recent Chasing Brighter podcast episode, we had the privilege of interviewing Nicole Shaver, a seasoned leadership coach with an inspiring journey of personal and professional transformation. As part of our Season 3 focus on purpose and personal development, Nicole’s story resonated deeply with our listeners, offering valuable insights on navigating career changes, leadership growth, and finding fulfillment.
Nicole Shaver: From Corporate Leader to Leadership Coach
Nicole’s journey began in corporate America, where she spent nearly two decades thriving in a high-growth finance organization. As a CPA, Nicole built a career that allowed her to take on leadership roles, mentoring and developing teams within her organization. Her passion for people and her ability to cultivate strong, connected teams made her a standout leader.
Yet, after years of professional success, Nicole reached a point where she felt the need for something more. She described a pivotal moment of introspection when she began questioning whether her work was truly fulfilling her. As life shifted with new personal responsibilities like marriage and motherhood, her priorities began to evolve. Nicole realized that while she loved the collaborative, people-centered aspects of her job, there was a growing gap between her values and her professional role.
The Power of Coaching: A Transformational Experience
What ultimately set Nicole on her current path was the introduction to an executive coach, suggested by a thoughtful leader in her firm. This decision to seek help through coaching was a turning point. Nicole shared with us the vulnerability and courage it took to face her doubts and begin the deep inner work that would lead her to a new career.
Through coaching, Nicole was able to reflect on her strengths, values, and what truly brought her joy. She realized that the very aspects of leadership she loved—mentoring, coaching, and helping others grow—were where her true passion lay. This realization led her to leave her long-standing corporate role and pursue a career as a leadership coach, helping others find clarity and purpose in their own journeys.
Navigating the Challenges of Change: A Year of Reflection
Nicole’s transition to leadership coaching didn’t happen overnight. It was a process that took over a year of deep reflection, planning, and ultimately, bravery. She candidly shared that while the decision felt right, it was emotionally difficult to leave the organization she had been a part of for so long, especially the close-knit team she had built over the years.
One of the most significant challenges Nicole faced during this transition was untangling her professional identity from her personal self. She had spent so many years associating her worth with her role in the organization, and breaking free from that mindset took time. With the support of her coach, Nicole navigated these emotions, allowing herself the space to redefine success on her own terms.
The Importance of Grace and Vulnerability
Throughout our conversation, Nicole emphasized the importance of giving oneself grace during times of change. Big decisions, like leaving a long-term career or starting a new venture, don’t happen in a straight line. There are highs and lows, moments of clarity followed by doubts. Nicole found that by allowing herself to be vulnerable and leaning into the discomfort, she was able to move forward with confidence.
She also stressed the value of finding the right coach or mentor who can support you through these transitions. Nicole’s coach was instrumental in helping her explore her feelings, providing the safe space she needed to process her emotions and gain clarity. This experience was so impactful that it inspired Nicole to become a coach herself, to help others through similar transitions.
Redefining Success and Embracing Growth
One of the most profound lessons Nicole shared was the importance of redefining what success means. In her corporate role, success was often tied to external validation—meeting goals, growing the business, and climbing the corporate ladder. But as she embarked on her coaching journey, she learned to measure success differently. Now, it’s about the quality of her relationships, the impact she has on her clients, and the ability to live a more balanced, fulfilling life.
Nicole also touched on the concept of lifelong learning. She didn’t realize how much she had missed being in a growth mindset until she dove into her 10-month coaching certification program. The experience reignited her passion for learning, and she’s embraced the journey of continuous growth—not just for herself, but for the clients she works with.
The Courage to Prioritize Yourself
Another powerful theme in Nicole’s story is the courage to prioritize yourself. For so many of us, especially women, we often put the needs of others—whether it’s our family, colleagues, or friends—ahead of our own. Nicole described how difficult it was for her to embrace the idea of putting herself first, especially as a self-described people pleaser. But through coaching, she realized that making decisions that are aligned with her values and passions not only benefits her, but also allows her to show up more fully for the people she cares about.
Balancing Work and Life in a New Way
Nicole’s new career as a leadership coach has also allowed her to achieve a better work-life balance. She now has the flexibility to structure her work around her family’s needs, something that wasn’t possible in her previous corporate role. Nicole shared with us the joy she’s found in being more present with her children, taking vacations in the fall—something that was previously unheard of—and finding time to invest in herself and her relationships.
Nicole’s Advice for Those Considering a Career Pivot
To learn more about Nicole Shaver and her work, connect with her on LinkedIn.
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