Chasing Dreams: Strategies for a Successful Career Pivot with Shannon Russell

In an empowering episode of the Chasing Brighter Podcast, we delved deep into second careers midlife. Shannon, host of Second Act Success Podcast and former television producer, daringly embarked on her own second act. Shannon shared her compelling journey from the glitz of Hollywood to becoming a franchised business owner and then a career coach. Her story is a beacon of hope for anyone contemplating a mid-life pivot, proving it’s never too late to chase a brighter version of yourself.

The Path to Second Act Success

Shannon’s narrative began in the bustling cities of New York and Los Angeles, where her childhood dream of working in Hollywood took shape into a 16-year-long career as a television producer. The glamor and grind of the industry were all she ever wanted, until life as a new mother nudged her towards a different path. The demanding schedule of her job, which caused her to miss precious moments with her children, sparked a realization: she desired more. More time with her family, more control over her life, and, importantly, a more fulfilling career that aligned with her new priorities.

Transition isn’t seamless, and Shannon’s journey was punctuated with trials and errors. From a stifling nine-to-five job to an unfulfilling stint in education, it was clear that these missteps were merely detours leading her to her true calling. It was the franchise business world where Shannon found her second wind. By leveraging her skills from television production into growing a business, she not only achieved top success in her franchise but also laid the groundwork for her next venture – career coaching.

Empowering Others Through Second Act Success

“Second Act Success” is more than just a career shift for Shannon; it’s a mission to guide others through their transitions. Her journey resonated with many – parents yearning for a work-life balance, individuals feeling stuck in their careers, and those simply seeking something more fulfilling. Through one-on-one coaching, group sessions, and a thriving membership platform, Shannon is demystifying the process of career reinvention, enabling countless individuals to pursue their passions fearlessly.

Life Lessons and Takeaways

Shannon’s story is a reminder that life is composed of acts, and sometimes, it’s the second ones that define us. Here are some key takeaways from her journey:

Embrace the Missteps

Every wrong turn or perceived failure is a lesson in disguise. These experiences hone our resilience and better prepare us for the paths meant for us.

Learning Over Leaping

Before diving into a new venture, invest time in learning and research. Arm yourself with knowledge to make informed decisions that will increase your chances of success.

The Power of Self-Reflection

Take time to introspect. Ask yourself hard questions about what you truly want from life. Understanding your desires and skills is the first step towards crafting a career that brings joy and fulfillment.

Seek Support

Change is daunting, but you don’t have to go it alone. Whether through mentors, coaches, or communities, surround yourself with people who can guide and support you through your transition.

In a world that often values comfort and certainty, taking the leap towards something new is intimidating. Yet, Shannon’s story is a beautiful testament to the richness that awaits on the other side of fear. It’s never too late to chase a brighter version of yourself; the key is to start, one step at a time.

For those on the brink of change, let Shannon’s journey inspire you. Remember, the chasing brighter podcast is more than a collection of stories; it’s a community here to support your journey towards a brighter, fulfilling tomorrow.

More about Shannon

Shannon Russell is a Career Transition Coach, Writer, Speaker, and Host of the Second Act Success Career Podcast. Shannon helps women in unresolved careers pivot towards a second act career that produces a balanced life of abundance. She spent over 16 years as a Television Producer in New York City and Los Angeles working for MTV, E!, Yahoo!, Pop Sugar, A&E, TLC, VH1, etc. She then pivoted to open her own business running a Snapology franchise teaching children STEM education, so that she could be more present for her children. Now, as a certified Career/Business Coach, Shannon supports women as they change careers, start a business, or follow their creative passions to the fullest. Her motto is  “produce your best life!” Shannon’s company Second Act Success ( allows her to share her journey and experience, as a television executive turned business owner(x2) and mom, with others. Shannon’s mission is to motivate more women to make big moves in life, and she is doing so through her coaching practice, her podcast, speaking engagements, and through her forthcoming book. Shannon lives at the beach in New Jersey with her husband, two boys, and her chow chow pup.